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    How To Rock Your Virtual Date

    You can still date from a distance.

    Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

    In this time of social distancing and limited human contact, your dating life doesn't have to come to a complete halt. With the ever expanding software that's secure, you can surely go on virtual first dates to ensure your love life can remain normal during these times.

    In comes the virtual dates on platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Face Time which have evidently become a trend. These dates are kinda fun because you get to do them at home, wear what you want and focus on the personality of someone not the looks. Its safe to safe virtual dates will continue even after the pandemic is eradicated.

    So you have been scouring dating sites and have met a few good candidates, asked or been asked for a virtual date, your wondering and going crazy figuring out how to rock it, don't worry i have a few tips to get you rocking that virtual date.

    Keep the same Pre-Date Rituals

    Even if its a virtual date, it can get stressful after all the other person you do not know. So why not dance to some music to calm your jitters, do some yoga and stretches, recite some poems, watch your favorite cartoon,virtual dates can be awkward so be prepared.

    Dress To Impress

    Select the kind of outfit you'd love to be wearing when you run into a cute new neighbor, do your makeup (it doesn't have to be over and beyond just something comfortable), put on some beautiful earrings just keep it simple, clean and beautiful. Example you can try off-shoulder blouses and beautiful leggings.

    Don't Overthink the First Date

    If you must, think about a few things you'd like to know about this person and write them

    down, conversation is fun when it emerges out of the blue so ask your date the simple day to day things like how there day was, do not go all questions on them it may scare them.

    Do Something with Your Hands

    Pet your dog, play with T.V remote, cut somethings in your kitchen, this gets you off the nervous boat and also engages the both of you when you hit a glitch in the conversations. Have something you can Channel your nervousness too.

    Plan Ahead of Time

    Always have your schedule lined out, do not forget the date day and time for you date or else you will be caught off guard. Set phone reminders and plan to clear your schedule so you avoid embarrassments and while your at the planning thing, please ensure that your WIFI is fully connected.

    Choose a Clean Location

    By clean location I mean a spot in your home with enough light or sunshine coming through, and no distractions in the background you wouldn't want your date wondering what is wrong or even they will keep asking why they can not see you.

    Use a Laptop instead of your Phone

    Phones are good and reliable but a Laptop gives you a bigger image of someone, can see very far images that are clearer plus you don't have to keep holding it throughout your virtual date. My advise is to use a laptop then you can move on to your phone after that good impression has been sown.

    Make a Clean Close Out

    Even for a virtual date, you have to leave someone wanting more do not give them all your time,everything about you as of course your hoping to hear back from them. So just end the date very politely and thank them for their time. Smile, blow a kiss anything.

    Honestly, we’d all rather be kicking it in person. But the positive to take away from virtual dating is that you’re now forced to be creative. Once you've successfully rocked that first virtual date and scheduled another then it’s safe to say, in-person dating will be easier.


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