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    Interesting things to do when your single

    Updated: Aug 4, 2020

    "No one is you and that is your power"

    Being single can be hard some times no matter what stage of singledom your in right now. But, considering the many people in relationships that fantasize about being single, smh.

    So if you are single or fresh out of a relationship and your wondering what to do with your free time, here is a reminder.

    1. Sort through your belongings

    When your single, you have so much free time, so why not go through all the things you have, clean up your home and make it feel like yours. so many people have things that they actually do not need, this is the best time to get out the old and bring in the new.

    2. Invest in old friendships

    I was surprised when i called my high school friend obviously looking for comfort and she agreed to meet up because it had been long. Being single means you have a great opportunity to reconnect with long lost friends. don't hesitate give them a cry or text them a hello you wont regret.

    3. Develop an interest.

    Don't be afraid to try new things, you might find a lifelong interest or skill. Join the embroidery or sowing community, take classes in cooking, dancing or even painting, volunteer, go to gym no matter your gender there is something new and interesting for everyone.

    4. Travel

    You don't have to leave your country but you could take a road trip to the country and engage in different activities there, meet new people , go hiking, camping, take pictures and make memories. Catalogue and have many experiences as possible.

    5. Start planning for your future

    This is the time to start developing your life plans that are yours alone. The dream trip you've been wanting to take, that emergency fund or the saving scheme you've wanted to start, this is the time to put all that in action.

    6. Expand your circle

    Make friends at your local market or grocery store, at church and even at the bar. every new person you meet has something to add to your life so don't be shy to reach out

    you can even flock the dating apps and meet people around you like, your chance of coming away with good memories and exciting new people in your life is pretty high.

    So when your single and pick up on any of the above be sure to be even more happier than you expect. Just don't let your single status eat you up, get out and have fun, for your emotional and mental health.

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