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    The Singles Guide to living happy

    Updated: Oct 27, 2020

    Forget about society's ideas that if you are single your unworthy and should put finding a relationship first on your priority list. But there are so many happy, fulfilled single people in the world that said, being single doesn't affect your happiness

    So here are, first the benefits of being happy, then some suggestions to help in the quest to find happiness as a single person.

    Benefits of happiness

    1. For good health

    Studies show that happier people practice good health habits while unhappy people tend to lean towards bad food habits which cause them to get health problems. When your single mostly, there is great need to keep your mental, physical and emotional health in check because the greater part of your life depends on it.

    "Happiness is the highest form of health",Dalai Lama
    "Smile, it's free therapy" Douglas Horton

    2. Happiness is contagious

    Imagine being gloomy all the time, who would really want to hang around you? People tend to drift towards happiness so when your single you have to find that mojo to attract people, maybe Mr or Mrs right will be one of them. Plus there is the law of attraction, which is the ability to attract what we focus on into our why not focus on happiness then.

    3. Happy people are very productive

    Think about it, happy people always have perfect work, meet deadlines and assignments and are better speakers and presenters. this is because they tend to take every thing in life easy, so don't be grumpy be happy instead. Studies shows that happier employees were 10-12% more productive than their counterparts.


    Ways to live a happy single life

    There are many ways one can follow to achieve happiness as a single person. So let us find out some of them;

    1. Acknowledge your single status

    So many people never accept that they are actually single but i believe after you actually acknowledge it, happy living follows. Do not be forging relationships to keep appearances with your crowds, forget what society thinks you are your own person, life is too short, you have to live for you.

    2. Take advantage of your freedom

    Practice not needing another person's validation,so you can do what ever you want, that is the advantage of being single;

    • Take a trip some place you've always wanted to go, take pictures,meet new people, sleep in a tent explore, tick that bucket list you have. Make good memories

    • pick up new hobbies like reading, maybe a sport you admire , go learn a new language do something that you wish you knew because achieving this will make you happy.

    • volunteer any where, lend a helping hand at an outreach group in your church community,these small gestures will bring you much more happiness.

    3. Practice self love.

    Go to the gym, work for that good body you have been longing for.

    Photo; pexels-William Choquette

    • Pamper yourself, go to the saloon get your hair done or cut,massage,and whatever is done at the saloon. nothing brings confidence like knowing you look good .

    • Practice yoga. it has been said that yoga helps the whole body system, meditating for stress relief, posture, blood flow,in the long run it boosts the body mind and soul.

    Photo; pexels-Retha Ferguson

    4. Hang out with friends

    Being single doesn't mean isolation, actually this is the time you should be hanging around your friends. so go out drink,eat, laugh and have fun. Invite them home, cook for them they are your support.

    Photo; pexels-Oleg Magni

    5. Be positive

    Forget the articles and people around you saying this and that about single status but choose what you hear and what you believe. We only live once so be positive, live happy.

    Remember, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself, so if that one isn't healthy none other will be. So get out there and create the life you want to live regardless of your single status.

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